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What To Do if Your Call Center Isn’t in the Cloud

May 01, 2021, By Maddy Hubbard

If your contact center hasn't moved to the cloud yet, your technology will fall behind as most enterprise infrastructure and software development is focused on the cloud. Here are five considerations worth digging into.

The majority of call center enterprise infrastructure and software spending is now reserved for and centered around cloud-based offerings. There are many reasons why you have waited or are still considering moving your contact center to the cloud. As the call center industry evolves at breakneck speed, it may be time to ask yourself what you’re waiting for.

As you think about moving your contact center to the cloud, there are five considerations worth digging into.

Do You Have Budget Restrictions?

If you’re on a tight budget, you may be concerned that a new system will break the bank. True, the significant upfront costs of a premise solution may be more than you can afford. However, moving to the cloud will most likely save you money since a cloud contact center is an OPEX cost there is no upfront CAPEX cost.

Do variations in call volume make it difficult to staff the right number of agents at the right time?

Premise systems make scaling quickly and affordably more difficult that it should be. Physical contact centers carry additional seats at great expense to accommodate unexpected call volume. A cloud contact center makes scaling, both up and down, easy and more importantly, more affordable.

Do You Face Challenges Created by Outdated Software and Infrequent Updates?

Budget restrictions (see #1) can mean there isn’t enough money in the kitty to update your premise system to the latest software. Or, your hardware is out of date and it’s too expensive to upgrade. One of the many benefits of the cloud include always having the most recent software version and there is no hardware to update. With a movement toward a hybrid workforce and updates needed consistently and reliably, you can perform sweeping updates and upgrades without the need to have hardware in hand. Do you know what that means? You’re saving money from the word go.

Is Securing Customer Data a Priority? 

We all know securing customer data is important. But oftentimes, technical and budget challenges prevent this from becoming a reality. Maintaining compliance with HIPAA can prove to be a challenge for premise systems. Cloud contact centers are always up to date to help you keep customer data secure with SSL encrypted IP sessions, encrypted call initiation and RADIUS authentication.

Does Downtime Negatively Impact Your Company? 

When your contact center goes down, agents stand by while customers grow increasingly frustrated, unable to connect to your organization. That sounds expensive! Uptime is important to maintain your bottom line. If you’re considering a move to the cloud, be sure your service is protected with an SLA.

If a premise system is currently your only option, there’s no surprise if it’s creating limitations that may be hurting your bottom line, and there is no better time to move to the cloud. A cloud solution provides the ability and agility to make immediate operating changes with that could make a big difference for your contact center.

Learn more about how Alvaria’s enterprise cloud contact center can work for your large call center.


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