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Alvaria Workforce Engagement Version 23: Bringing Powerful Features for Enhanced Efficiency and Engagement

Dec 19, 2023, By Courtney Cox

The latest release of Alvaria Workforce Engagement Management version 23 brings new and innovative features and updates that empower organizations like yours to achieve greater flexibility, precision, and efficiency in workforce strategies.

A woman sitting on a couch holding a laptop.

In the dynamic workforce engagement management landscape, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for organizations aiming to optimize operations and foster greater employee engagement. The latest release of Alvaria Workforce Engagement Management version 23 brings new and innovative features and updates that empower organizations like yours to achieve greater flexibility, precision, and efficiency in workforce strategies.  

Alvaria Workforce

Alvaria Workforce is renowned for its approach to forecasting, scheduling, and tracking, establishing itself as a well-known solution to achieve greater adaptability and thoughtful resource management. A few of the new, cutting-edge features that promise to elevate workforce management to heightened levels include:  

  1. Enhanced flexibility with Long Handle Time Planner  
    Long Handle Time Planner caters to specialist-type employees whose work has longer handle times, such as a group of employees who handle work items as they arrive and are not in alignment with traditional forecasting models. This new feature allows you to support this type of employee and their work from start to finish, including forecasting, scheduling, and tracking; in turn, you are able to strategically allocate staffing resources with greater flexibility. An example of this may be a group of engineers who are helping other engineers write code for a company’s software product.  
  1. Real-time adjustments with Next Best Action  
    In the face of intra-day deviations, Next Best Action empowers you to identify instances of under or overstaffing quickly and take action by making the most productive use of your team’s time. These Next Best Actions are customized to you, enabling greater flexibility and real-time adjustments. An example could include an instance of overstaffing where you might want to generate meetings or projects, when allowed, to optimize time and make the most of every minute on the clock.  
  1. Centralized information hub through our Employee Datacenter  
    Create your own views of important employee data including schedules, accounts, adherence, skills, and more for information sharing between departments and multiple sites. This new feature will help you extract the data you need to make informed business decisions by leveraging over 30 different types of data points. An example of how you can leverage the Employee Datacenter is to quickly determine who has a team meeting on a certain day and who doesn’t, or who has a personal account balance left but still participated in a request bit.
  1. Greater precision in scheduling with Trial Segment Worksheet upgrades 
    This upgrade brings the extended ability to optimize breaks, generate meetings, and manage projects that currently exist in the Official Schedule Worksheet to the Trial Segment Worksheet — ensuring greater scheduling precision with fine-tuning capabilities.  

Alvaria Motivate

At the intersection of employee engagement and organizational success stands Alvaria Motivate, a solution designed to inspire and energize teams with motivation through gamification. Alvaria Motivate has been a driving force behind elevated performance and increased job satisfaction. With version 23, we’re bringing new ways to reach your employees with:  

  1. Enhanced engagement with multiple Raffle opportunities
    Think of Raffles as a lottery — participants purchase tickets to be entered into a drawing for a reward. Previously, there could only be one active Raffle per sector. As a customer-requested feature, we’ve extended the ability to play multiple Raffles per sector. This brings elevated participation opportunities and motivation.  
  1. Preference-based configurable UI with new Leaderboard updates
    We’ve introduced new configurations for both our TV and Desktop Leaderboard views so you can select your desired view: Rank and Ticker, or Rank and History. Rank and Ticker shows leaderboard messages as a ticker at the bottom of the UI. Rank and History shows all leaderboard messages in a History UI to the right of the players.  

Alvaria Quality

In the pursuit of excellence and customer satisfaction, Alvaria Quality has consistently stood as the cornerstone in ensuring the highest standards of service delivery. Featuring robust evaluation and feedback tools, Alvaria Quality has empowered organizations to refine and enhance their operations. New features that promise to further elevate the quality assurance landscape include:

  1. Comprehensive reporting with an extended Evaluation Detail report
    Our Evaluation Detail report now brings you a deeper level of insights by incorporating crucial details like Agents and Comments. This enhancement provides you with the detailed information needed for efficient issue resolution and improved support for superior customer experiences.
  1. Seamless integration between Twilio and Alvaria Quality
    We’re announcing a new connector framework to bridge Twilio and Alvaria Quality. This connector allows you to bring in audio recordings from Twilio to perform quality functionality on those recordings brought into Alvaria Quality. This is exciting for those organizations focused on enhancing their quality assurance and customer support operations.

Alvaria Performance

Finally, at the heart of effective workforce management lies Alvaria Performance, a solution dedicated to optimizing organizational productivity. Recognized for its ability to streamline KPIs and enhance employee efficiency, Alvaria Performance is a key player in driving success. We’re excited to announce a new security update to show our commitment to providing you with a reliable and trustworthy solution.

  1. Enhanced security measures to remove password caching  
    Prioritizing security, we’ve removed caching from installer credentials. This means our users will be prompted to enter their credentials on install, upgrade, repair and/or patching following version 23 install and upgrade. Rest assured knowing your sensitive information won’t be stored and your data remains safe and protected.  

Alvaria Workforce Engagement Management Version 23

Alvaria Workforce Engagement Management Version 23 redefines the standard for workforce optimization and engagement. This represents just a snippet of the many new features and enhancements in this Version 23 release. We encourage you to contact us to learn more about how we can cater to your evolving needs and empower you to create a more agile, efficient, and engaging work environment.  

Ready to upgrade to version 23? Contact your Account Owner now!  

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